

Creating Engaging Online Courses
Season 2

203: Creating Engaging Online Courses with Melissa Guller, Founder of Wit & Wire

Creating Engaging Online Courses Rachel invites Melissa Guller onto the show. As the founder of Wit & Wire, Melissa helps creators turn their skills and passions into profitable online businesses. Melissa has experience teaching thousands of students through her courses at General Assembly, where her mission is to help creators make a living online doing what they love. In this episode, Melissa tells Rachel how competition is good for business, and that we shouldn’t be afraid of it. In Melissa’s view, competition shows that there is a demand for what you’re offering, and that when it comes to selling your

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Season 2

202: The Importance of Choosing the Right Business Partners with Matt Ward

It’s episode two of season two, and Rachel keeps things moving by interviewing Matt Ward. In 2018, Matt sold his business, inConcert Web Solutions, a digital marketing agency that helps business owners improve their bottom line, gain more clients, and grow their respective businesses. Matt wanted to shift his career focus to helping businesses get more word-of-mouth referrals. Since 2002, Matt has spoken at hundreds of business events, seminars, trainings, conferences, and associations.    Matt begins sharing his wisdom and expertise with Rachel by explaining that he was influenced by Milton Hershey to value giving back and the importance of relationships,

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Standard Operating Procedure for Outsourcing
Season 2

201: Standard Operating Procedure for Outsourcing with Annie Singer

Rachel returns from her hiatus and kicks-off season two by interviewing Annie Singer, founder of Reciple, the first ad-free recipe platform that is equitable for small creators. Listen to Annie tell Rachel why she should have waited before jumping into outsourcing too early in her business, and how having a standard operating procedure for outsourcing is best practice. Annie learned that she should have identified what she wanted from outsourcing and the best course of action to achieve it before turning to help outside her business. Annie offers the sage wisdom of “slowing down to speed up” when starting a

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As Good As It Gets Summit

First Name Email* SEND ME THE CHECKLIST! Welcome attendees of the As Good as it Gets Summit! Rachel Luther is an entrepreneur who was a virtual assistant before people knew what virtual assistants were. While growing her VA business from a one-woman show to a team of talented professionals, she’s learned a lot about what she’s good at, but more importantly what others can do better. This checklist is a fillable PDF that you can use to organize your tasks and responsibilities and determine what you should continue doing yourself and what you can have someone else do for you.

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The Imperfect Mompreneur Coach Podcast

Welcome fans of the Imperfect Mompreneur Coach Podcast. We’re glad to see you here! You can download the checklist Rachel mentioned by completing the form below. First Name Email* SEND ME THE CHECKLIST!

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017: What to Do Now That You’ve Found a Virtual Assistant

I love watching movies. Most people do, but I actually prefer a good TV series to a movie. You can tell so much more of a story when you have an entire season to explore the characters and develop their story arch. I’m an actor, so when I watch TV or movies, I find myself diving deep into the world they create. My training almost forces me to connect with the characters on another level, as I imagine what it’s like to portray the people I see on screen. Because of this connection, I’m frequently left wanting to know what happens after the movie. This is why I prefer a TV series. You get to see a longer form story of their life. It’s also why I

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Self Care for Entrepreneurs

016: Outsourcing is Self Care for Entrepreneurs

Last episode, I talked a lot about the ego we all share as business owners. We should be proud of the risks we’ve taken and the success we’ve experienced, but that’s not really what motivates us in the day to day. I think each of us has an inner desire as human beings to make a difference in the world. It’s the reason people are attracted to superhero stories. The success of the Marvel movies and the DC franchises is proof we’re drawn to people who devote their life to helping others. I think that same ego that pushes us

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Your Virtual Assistant is Smarter Than You

015: Why Your Virtual Assistant is Smarter Than You

First Name Email* SEND ME THE CHECKLIST! On today’s episode, I’m going to challenge some of the business owner ego I know some of you have. I realize I’m only about one sentence in, and I’ve mentioned you have an ego problem. Sorry. Not Sorry. I can start off with an insult because, admittedly, as a business owner I’m just as guilty of a large ego—what do they say, takes one to know one. Right? But hear me out. We’ve stepped out on our own, which is scary. Some of us have built something from nothing. That’s something to be

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