
How to Get Testimonials from Clients

How to get testimonials from clients

Every entrepreneur and small business owner desires to stand out from the competition, and most importantly, win the loyalty of their customers. But how do you cut through the noise and connect with your audience in a genuine way that elevates your brand image?

Enter client testimonials, the unsung hero of brand marketing, capable of shining a spotlight on your company in the most influential way possible – through the voice of a satisfied customer.

Understanding the inherent power of testimonials and mastering the process of acquiring them is crucial for any business looking to solidify its position in the market. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the intricate process of sourcing, crafting, and leveraging client testimonials to set your business on an upward trajectory.

Understanding the Power of Testimonials

Today, testimonials are crucial for businesses, serving as key proof of customer satisfaction. People are more likely to buy when they see others have had good experiences with a product or service. Amazon showcases this trend, with reviews and ratings majorly influencing buying decisions.

Many consumers rely heavily on reviews to guide their choices. Amazon’s robust review system provides valuable insights into the quality, features, and performance of products, helping shoppers make informed decisions.

Examples of Strong Testimonial Strategies:

Zappos, the renowned online shoe and clothing retailer, is acclaimed for its innovative marketing strategies, particularly its adept use of customer testimonials to underscore the benefits of shopping on its website. The company encourages customers to share their positive shopping experiences and satisfaction with Zappos’ services through various channels, such as written reviews, video testimonials, and social media posts.

By featuring authentic customer feedback, Zappos enhances its brand reputation and builds trust among prospective shoppers, highlighting the user-friendly interface, dependable customer service, and extensive product selection.

Slack, the widely-used platform for communication and collaboration, has effectively utilized customer testimonials to highlight its product’s value and efficacy. On their website, there’s a special section titled “Customer Stories,” which showcases testimonials and case studies from various organizations across different sizes and industries.

For instance, Slack demonstrates how businesses including Airbnb, Lyft, and Shopify leverage their platform to enhance communication, simplify workflows, and boost productivity. These customer stories offer concrete examples of the challenges faced by organizations and how Slack assists in addressing these issues, leading to favorable business results.

How to Find the Right Clients for Testimonials

Knowing who to approach for their testimonials is as critical as the testimonials themselves. The ideal testimonial candidate is not just a customer who is content with your product or service, but one who can eloquently express why your business stands out.

Consider these five points when evaluating potential clients from whom to request testimonials:

  1. Identify High-impact Clients:
    These are the ones who can not only squeeze in a review but also bring a flood of referrals your way. They are your most vocal supporters and represent vital additions to your brand’s narrative.
  2. Look to Highly Engaged Users:
    Focus on customers who both use your product or service and are also highly engaged. Those who regularly interact with your platform, participate in training, and provide feedback understand your offerings and their benefits well. Their testimonials are particularly impactful.
  3. Valuing Long-Term, Satisfied Clients:
    Prioritize clients who have maintained long-term connections and have repeatedly shown contentment with your product or service. Having experienced the extensive benefits of what you offer, these clients can attest to its value over a prolonged period.
  4. Showcase Versatile Client Success:
    Select clients across various industries and scenarios to highlight your product or service’s flexibility and relevance. Showcasing endorsements from clients in different fields with diverse goals can attract a wider audience and show off your offering’s scalability.
  5. Prioritize Authenticity and Diversity:
    Seek testimonials showcasing a variety of perspectives and experiences. Choose not only the overly positive or scripted feedback but also clients offering authentic and relatable stories that connect with your target market. Authenticity builds trust with your audience.
Get client testimonials

Crafting an Effective Testimonial Request

The art of how to get testimonials from clients revolves around creating a process that’s easy, comfortable, and beneficial for them. It’s essential to motivate them beyond just goodwill; crafting a well-thought-out request can transform it into a win-win situation.

Elements of a persuasive testimonial request:

  • Clarity: Make it crystal clear what you are asking for and why.
  • Incentives: Sometimes a simple ‘thank you’ doesn’t cut it. Consider a discounted future service or a small gift as a token of appreciation.
  • Customization: Tailor your request to reflect the unique experience your client had. It should feel as personal as the service you provided.
  • Options: Should you require a video testimonial, provide an option for a written submission as an alternative.

Real-life example:

A healthcare provider, by requesting reviews following each appointment, amassed more than 500 positive reviews on Google in under a year.

  • After implementing an automation that inquires patients about their satisfaction with their visit, those who were happy received a link to leave a Google review. If they were unhappy, they had the option to provide anonymous feedback.
  • This strategy enhances the visibility of the practice by increasing Google reviews, allowing for the positive ones to stand out while minimizing the impact of any negative feedback.

Encouraging customers to leave feedback on online platforms and social media can significantly enhance a business’s reputation. Offering incentives for reviews, such as discounts on future purchases, can motivate customers to share their experiences.

Engaging with customers through email campaigns or after an online purchase by asking for their feedback can also be highly effective. Leveraging these strategies can help virtual businesses build trust and credibility with their audience, driving growth and success.

Conducting Interviews for Testimonials

An interview can tease out the most powerful points of your client’s testimonial. The goal is to capture their voice authentically and vividly.

Best practices for conducting client interviews:

  • Prepare open-ended questions: These questions require more than a yes or no answer, prompting your client to elaborate on their experience. Utilize “how” and “why” inquiries to encourage explanations, or use “can you elaborate” for additional details.
  • Active listening: Encourage your client to expand on their thoughts and feel more engaged with the testimonial process by staying engaged in what they are saying.
  • Time and place: Conduct interviews in a setting and time that’s comfortable for the client, which will affect the ease with which they can share their thoughts.

Showcasing Testimonials Strategically

Your strategy for displaying testimonials should serve two purposes – to maximize their impact and to make them easily accessible to your audience.

Choosing the right platforms: Be savvy with your testimonial placement. They should be featured where potential clients will find them when researching your business. This can be implemented across various platforms including social media, the website, during discovery calls, on landing pages, and more.

Creative display methods: Consider embedding videos or direct quotes in high-traffic pages on your website or weaving them into your social media storytelling. Don’t forget to include a dedicated testimonial page that’s routinely updated.

Real-life example: One of our clients specializing in corporate mental health consulting has successfully integrated testimonials into their discovery calls, significantly enhancing their deal-closure rate. Additionally, we strategically repurpose these video testimonials for social media and website landing pages, maximizing their impact and reach.

How to get testimonials from clients

Maintaining Relationships with Clients Post-Testimonial

Once you’ve received a testimonial, don’t pat yourself on the back and pack it away. Instead, view it as the foundation for a continued, positive relationship.

The art of the follow-up: A simple thank-you message can be all it takes to show your clients how much you value their input. Don’t be afraid to check in occasionally with updates or seek feedback on how your product or service is working for them over time.

Leveraging testimonials to strengthen client relationships and foster loyalty: By occasionally celebrating the anniversary of when they provided feedback, offering exclusive previews of new services, or sticking to loyalty discount programs for those who vouch for your brand, you reinforce the message that you’re partners in their success.

Measuring the Impact of Testimonials: The true worth of a testimonial isn’t in the words themselves but in the ripple effect they have on customer conversions and brand building.

Key metrics to track:

  • Conversion rates: Compare sales before and after featuring specific testimonials in your marketing materials to gauge their influence.
  • Engagement levels: Monitor how testimonials are being interacted with on social media, email campaigns, and your website.
  • Longevity: A lasting testimonial continues to echo through to new customers long after it was first given, and this is to be valued and measured.

Real-life example:

TechSolutions specializes in creating custom software for healthcare, finance, and e-commerce sectors. Recognizing the importance of social proof in attracting new clients, they use a strong testimonial strategy to showcase their expertise and success.

TechSolutions highlighted their software’s benefits through testimonials from satisfied clients on their website, social media, and marketing materials. This gave potential clients real examples of how TechSolutions helped businesses overcome challenges, streamline operations, and achieve goals.


Your clients’ testimonials are the most authentic voice in your branding chorus. Treat them with care, showcase them with creativity, and measure their impact with diligence. It’s a process that demands commitment, but the dividends are the trust and loyalty of a customer base that truly believes in the value you offer.

By adhering to this guide on how to get testimonials from clients, you’re set to tap into the testimonial gold mine present within your client base. This will allow you to refine and leverage this valuable asset, boosting your business’s profitability and longevity.

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