

007: The 80/20, or 20/80, Rule of Outsourcing

If you’ve been riding along on this outsourcing journey with me, then I’m sure you’re coming to grips with your to-do list—I know, you always had your suspicions that you have a lot on your plate, but once its all there in black and white, right in front of you, the length of it can be quite a shock! But our goal is to put that list into perspective with some helpful strategies, and to watch that list shrink in size through outsourcing.  In fact, I was shocked the other day when I looked at my to-do list and discovered how small it currently is. No, Colin didn’t schedule a week-long vacation with the kids and forget to include me, nor did

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006: 5 Ways to be More Productive

First Name Email Address* GET THE WORKBOOK! You might remember a time people browsed bookstores when they wanted to read and learn about other people, real and imagined, and their ideas. These places still exist, though most people choose to get their books and information on their phone, computer or tablet.  Back in the day, if you went to the self-help section in one of these bookstores you’d mainly find two kinds of books. The first one is motivational, and while that’s not really what I’m here for, I can’t help it if you’re finding some kind of motivation in your life from your business improving as a result of outsourcing.  The other kind

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005: How to Find What You’re Good at and Do It

First Name Email* SEND ME THE CHECKLIST! So far, we have talked about the importance of outsourcing. The right team of support frees your valuable time for areas where you make the most impact in your business and frees you to pursue your passions outside of your business. Since many of you are business owners, I think it’s safe to assume that you have a pretty good idea where your skills lie: I mean what else are our businesses if not an expression of what we do best and where we’re most confident? Your business is an expression of these skills. We know what we’re good at, yet the problem is recognizing what others can do better. The process of that crucial

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004: When and How to Hire Your First Virtual Assistant

Today, we’re going to talk about bringing on your first support team member. I already convinced you in previous episodes why hiring a virtual assistant is a solution to every single one of your problems—no really, I think I at least made a good case for the wondrous possibilities that hiring a virtual assistant can create time for business and life, so if you’re back, I’m going to take it that you’re at least willing to entertain the idea. Maybe you’re just now jumping in, so no worries, just listen now for the when and how of taking the plunge of utilizing a team, and you can go back and listen to the episode “What in the World is a Virtual Assistant”

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003: What in the World is a Virtual Assistant?

Thank you for joining us for another episode of Checking Off Your List with me, Rachel Luther.  A question I frequently answer is, ‘What is a virtual assistant?” so let me start this episode by telling you that a virtual assistant provides back office support to your business from their remote office location. It seems simple, right, yet one of the amazing things I’ve discovered in the past ten years is that Virtual Assistants can completely revolutionize the way a business owner views and approaches their day to day in their business.  A Virtual Assistant is so much more than

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002: My Days as a One-Person Show

They say starting a company is misery. Or is it misery loves company? Well, whatever the expression is…. Some of you are at the start of your entrepreneurial journey, so this episode seemed like a good time to share some memories of the beginning days of Check Off Your List.  I have to warn you, this episode is going to be a little bit different from what I anticipate talking about on a regular basis. Much of the beginning days of my business were spent balancing the demands of being a new mom with those of a new business owner,

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001: Introduction

You are listening to the very first episode of Checking Off Your List with me, Rachel Luther. I’m grateful you decided to listen, because it’s a little bit of a risk tuning into a new podcast. Let’s just pretend that by a touch of fate we both logged on a virtual meeting early and we started to chat instead of sitting there in awkward silence pretending to be absorbed in email other things. I promise that after hearing my story, you’ll want to tune into the next episode, and maybe we can even make it a regular thing.  Well, I

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Podcast Trailer

Hi, it’s Rachel here, and like most of you I wear countless hats in a single day. For me it’s running a company, being a wife and mom, acting on stage (sigh of relief). It’s always a relief and sometimes even a surprise when I can sit back at the end of a long day finally take a second to reflect on the fact that I made it through! One hat I forgot to mention, which I’m sure many of you can relate to, especially now: I’m also teacher to my four children. Although, I’ve been homeschooling way before this

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